Calculate Potential Revenue

  • 100

    New Clients

  • $30

    Credit Monitoring Commission

  • $ 3.0K

    Monthly Revenue
    ($36K annually)

Proprietary Features

One Click Import

With one click of the mouse, all 3 Credit Reports & Scores are imported, the negative items are tagged and disputes are ready to be generated.

One Click Disputes

Your users have an incredibly easy and user friendly system to file disputes with one click of the mouse.

Smart Logic

The Integrated Smart Logic system takes all the guess work out of filing disputes. When an item is chosen to, the appropriate reasoning is automatically generated.

Mail It For You

Users have the option to print and mail letters themselves or choose our integrated mailing system that will print, envelope, stamp and mail the letters on their behalf.


Customize your website and Membership Portal to suit your direct business needs. Add custom offers, upsells or any services that you choose.


The ultimate platform to incentivize and monetize 100% of your leads and audience. You choose the design, you choose the domain, you choose the logo, we deliver your complete platform.

Member Portal Features

One-Click Import & Dispute (Users are able to seamlessly import their credit reports and submit disputes with one click of the mouse)

AI Dispute Logic (AI Dispute Logic automatically analyzes the users credit reports and recommends the best dispute reason for negative each item in question)

Progress Tracking (Streamlined progress tracking dashboard allows the users to import updated reports and track the progress of their repair step-by-step)

Auto Mail (The automated mailing system allows users to have their letters printed & mailed to the Credit Bureaus on their behalf)

Member Portal Features

Member Portal Features

One-Click Import & Dispute (Users are able to seamlessly import their credit reports and submit disputes with one click of the mouse)

AI Dispute Logic (AI Dispute Logic automatically analyzes the users credit reports and recommends the best dispute reason for negative each item in question)

Progress Tracking (Streamlined progress tracking dashboard allows the users to import updated reports and track the progress of their repair step-by-step)

Auto Mail (The automated mailing system allows users to have their letters printed & mailed to the Credit Bureaus on their behalf)

Admin Portal Features

Admin Portal Features

Integrated Automations (Complete Pre-Installed Automation System to re-target and re-market your audience of leads and enrollments)

Revenue Tracking (Track your enrollments & monthly revenue with a streamlined easy to use dashboard)

Affiliate System (Add unlimited affiliates to promote your brand. Automatic link creation and monitoring allow you to track their performance, earnings, and much more)

Custom Pages (Create custom pages that display to your audience within their member portal. With this feature the additional offers, promotions and upsells are unlimited)


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